My Revelation

Quick update on Little Livy:
(This picture was taken 11/28/2018)

All in all labs look MUCH better this week than last... THANK GOODNESS! I have realized that I won't have a perfectly healthy baby from week to week giving the circumstances that she was very, very all just takes time! It has been so hard for me to accept that, as she exclusively nurses and has the ENTIRE time, she has been playful and has been in a great mood unless she's hangry, she looks "normal" too. So how in the world am I supposed to trust that these "lab results" are valid? Especially when most infections/diseases or taking meds of any kind have side effects of "loss of appetite, drowsiness, nausea" etc. 

She currently has blown veins in each arm and each foot from so many blood draws, therefore the Dr decided to give her a break and a week off. Our next visit to the U will be on 12/11. It will be a very long day with appointments starting at 9am and her last at 3:30pm. I have been told we should have genetics results by 12/7 as well. These next few weeks will be great, in the sense that we will get answers...answers to be able to go forward and know what is actually going on inside of her little body. It will be 3 months of what feels like a nightmare, but we will have closure and move on to what awaits us. I am ready, WE are ready and I KNOW Livy is ready!

When my brain can't shut off at night and I feel the sadness come upon me, I always remind myself it could be worse....MUCH worse...I think to myself "my family is healthy enough to be in the comfort of our own home and we have each other, so knock it off". 

Well last night, I HAD A REVELATION...well what felt like one to me anyway! There's a reason for everything so why let stress change you? Why let anger take over? Why let sadness tear you apart? When in reality whats meant to happen is going to happen regardless. Things happen...but that doesn't mean they have to define you. Attitude is huge and that's the only thing we are in control of. Bottom line is we can't go anywhere if our thoughts are bringing us down! Somehow this power of a positive attitude helped me relax and actually fall asleep....CRAZY I know...haha! 

So for now I am going to challenge myself to be patient, count my blessings, see the good within the chaos, view the process as stepping stones, pray and smile daily. The only way to have energy and be at somewhat peace through hard times is to have the right attitude.The power of a positive attitude is a real thing and when you believe in it, that's when you are able to be the change that this world needs, that's when you are able to achieve your goals, big or small, personally or professionally etc. So why not? Just think about it for a few moments. If you have a positive attitude with every person you interact with today, what do you have to lose? The impact YOU could cause is amazing. Maybe the cashier at Target, Wal-Mart or Casey's gas station that helps you is too going through a hard time and just needs your positive attitude to make today a better day than yesterday.

We are not the only family going through this heartache so I challenge you to share with someone you may know that needs a little uplifting and positive reminder that it will all be okay in the end...regardless of the outcome. 

Have a blessed day, stay warm out there and ROCK your positive attitude!

With love,
